Refund and Returns Policy

Online solutions, hosting, cloud platforms

With regards to our hosting packages and cloud solution platforms we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. Upon your refund request your account with its subscription and all data shall be temporarily suspended/cancelled.

Store and digital goods

All software, digital purchases and codes are strictly non-refundable. In the case of purchases made in error, unredeemed codes or software will be granted a refund yet we reserve the right to a full refund. In some instances refunds may be partial based on the time/product.

  • Claimed digital deals are considered All Sales Final and can no longer be returned.
  • We recommend reviewing the Terms section before completing and placing an order.
  • Feel free to submit a request to our team if you have any questions before you buy. 
  • Digital codes will be considered "unclaimed" if the code has not been clicked and revealed.
  • After a license code is revealed, it is considered “claimed” & therefore we cannot reclaim it. 

Here are a few tips if you are having trouble redeeming the license code for your purchase:

  • Some products will share a license code or serial number that is required to be entered at a specific stage of the setup or sign-up process. Be sure to always copy and paste this code in order to avoid any typos or misleading characters like ‘0’ and ‘O’.
  • When copying a license or serial code, click anywhere inside the box and press Ctrl+A (or Cmd+A on a Mac) to select the entire code. This will help you avoid accidentally missing a letter. Be sure that you exclude extra spaces before and after the code you are copying.
  • Be sure to follow the directions exactly! Sometimes, if you miss one step or do them out of order, the redemption won't work. Follow each step carefully one at a time to ensure you are completing the process correctly.
  • Try updating and using another browser. Many times, issues can be resolved by simply changing browsers. We recommend Google Chrome. Download it here.
  • If your redemption instruction lists a Redemption Name or Redemption Email, make sure you are using the exact same name or email address provided. It's best to copy and paste this information. Sometimes something as small as an extra space can cause an issue.
  • If you purchased a course and you're receiving a "Sold Out" or "Invalid Code" error, the course might already be in your account. Try logging in to the account of the website that is hosting the course. For example: If your course is from Stackskills, log in to your account at and go to the My Courses section at the top right. 

If you've tried everything and just can't get it working, we are always one email away! Feel free to submit a request.